Monday, August 1, 2011


Groundwork Denver’s Take Charge! program will come to Colorado Springs on Saturday, October 8, 2011 for a day of service. We’ll be partnering with Colorado College’s EnAct club, Colorado College’s Center for Service and Learning, Stratmoor Community Center, Colorado Springs Utility, and the City of Colorado Springs to expand awareness of energy conservation resources like home energy assessments, which can help folks save money and live greener. To make the kind of impact we want, we’ll need 100 students to join us, and that means we need you!  Email if you are interested in getting involved!

EnAct, the longest running student group on campus, focuses on raising environmental and social awareness at Colorado College and within the Colorado Springs community. It’s an umbrella organization that gives students the resources to pursue the environmental and social projects they value, alongside others who share the same goals. Previous EnAct projects include: celebrating Earth Week; developing the college's present recycling program; researching regional environmental issues like mid-west climate change; and bringing in speakers to educate students on current environmental issues. In 1991, EnAct instituted the Timothy Linnemann Memorial Lecture on the Environment. EnAct is open to anyone passionate about the environment. For more information, go to

Links to local energy conservation and green jobs resources:
Colorado Springs Utilities
Energy Resource Center of Colorado
Pikes Peak Workforce Center


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