Friday, July 29, 2011


Groundwork Denver’s Take Charge! program will come to Brighton, Colorado on Saturday, September 10, 2011 for a day of service. We’ll partner with the Brighton Youth Commission and United Power to expand awareness of energy conservation resources like home energy assessments, which can help folks save money and live greener. To make the kind of impact we want, we’ll need 100 students to join us, and that means we need you! Email if you want to get involved!

The Brighton Youth Commission (BYC) is a body of 20 students and six adults whose job it is to create youth-centered community change. They meet twice a month to study problems and plan community events that will have a positive impact on Brighton’s youth. Each commissioner is a representative of the city and of his/her specific school. To find out more, go to

Interested in joining? The Brighton Youth Commissioners go through an application process and are selected based on leadership, commitment and passion for helping Brighton’s youth. Applications are always being accepted, and interviews are held every May.

The Brighton Youth Commission has brought FREE recycling to Brighton!
Click here for more information.

Links to local energy conservation and green jobs resources:
United Power
Adams County Workforce Center


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