On Sunday, May 15, 2011, students from Compass Montesorri and Groundwork Denver's Green Team conducted a Take Charge! outreach event in Golden, Coloradol

Take Charge! will be in 20 to 30 Colorado towns this year and next. With a goal of reaching out to over 35,000 Colorado residents, Take Charge! will engage over 1,050 high school and college youth to become Student Energy Ambassadors in their communities.
The Take Charge! team will be conducting presentations, trainings, service learning activities and community outreach events focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs.
We are looking for schools, local government, energy service providers and other community members to get involved with this project sponsored by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment.
To learn more about how to get involved with Take Charge! in your community, please contact Stephanie at TakeCharge@GroundworkColorado.org or at 303-455-5600.
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