Tuesday, May 10, 2011


First, Take Charge! targets communities geographically distributed throughout Colorado, and in need of energy conservation / cost saving services. 

Then, Take Charge! works with schools, local weatherization agencies, local government, utility companies and other service based organizations. In the months prior to the canvass, Take Charge! project staff will collect literature regarding the local low- to no- cost energy efficiency services for distribution on the day of the canvass. Take Charge! also organizes the contributions of CFL bulbs that will be distributed on the day of the canvass.

Next, Take Charge! works with teams of high school and college students through a service learning model, allowing the youth to reach out to members of their own communities during a day of service. 

In preparation for a canvass, students receive a one hour Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Green Jobs Training that has been approved by the Colorado Department of Labor. Groundwork Colorado's Take Charge staff conducts the presentation prior the canvass date, or on the morning of the canvass.

Groundwork Colorado's Take Charge staff also conducts a Porch Bulb Canvass Training as an orientation on the day of service. During this presentation, students learn important canvassing skills (maintaining eye contact, don't go into yards with dogs, smile, how to install a porch bulb, etc). Then, students receive training on the local resources that can benefit the residents they will be talking to. Take Charge distributes information regarding the local weatherization assistance program, tip sheets for being energy efficient in your own home, and information on any other local resources identifying during the months before the canvass. 

After the trainings, students pair up with other students, and are accompanied by an adult as they go out to organize their community. They are given a script, a clipboard with a data tracking sheet, a map and addresses to visit, all the literature they will need for the day and a bag filled with CFL light bulbs.

Students always come back with smiles and their faces, and a feeling of a job well done!

Because of the community service conducted by the students, Take Charge! reaches several members of the community, connecting them with energy conservation resources that will make their homes more comfortable, and their utility bills more manageable.


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